Scheme Manager

Scheme Manager is an application within the W.D.M. Lmited PMS. It is designed to process condition data with the objective of identifying prioritised treatment sites. A set of rules specifically defined for each client, determined through careful examination of the condition of the network is developed and applied within the system.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Development of a road condition assessment regime
  • Report on condition from the most recent surveys
  • Identify a list of investigation sites from condition data
  • Assist in the development of ranking criteria to prioritise sites/schemes
  • Make recommendations on improvements in how to manage the road network

It incorporates the PMS datasets including SCANNER, SCRIM, Deflectograph, CVI/DVI and FNS data. This enables the user to obtain a good understanding of network condition but also presents challenges in determining investment priorities. To address these concerns an integrated programme of works is built and a process that manages these is incorporated within the system.

Scheme Manager also allows you to manage your skid resistance investigations and has now been enhanced to generate and prioritise maintenance schemes by analysing all available condition data. A standard methodology once developed, can be applied every year to undertake this task and documented.

Once a list of potential schemes has been identified, provisional costs can be identified for the schemes giving an appreciation of the programme of works required to maintain a level of service to road users. These indicate the value of work that is required to treat all lengths of roads within the authority that have been identified as defective.

Scheme Generation

Investigation Sites can be generated using any condition data, or other spatial data held in the PMS database. The Sites are identified using a threshold value, scheme length and join distance.

Scheme Ranking

A ranking methodology that utilises condition data held within the PMS has been developed, which uses an engineered approach to scheme prioritisation by considering weighted importance defect values and defect severity.

Scheme Identification

The ability to generate, rank and cost sites using the established processes within Scheme Manager allows the user to report the ‘equivalent’ scheme-based backlog costs based on condition data.

Example Summary of Schemes

Works Programme

The system allows the user to produce a Programme of Maintenance Schemes, which is held within Scheme Manager. As investigations take place and sites are identified as viable schemes, they are approved forward to the Rolling Programme Section of Scheme Manager. The user can record the correct extent of the scheme, required treatment and costs as well as any other data needed in the procurement of works.

The document system allows the user to hold any documents (including photos) within the scheme record giving a full audit of the scheme life.

The ability to integrate web schemes into the HIAMS Highway Management Modules providing the user the ability to create orders incorporating financial cost and budget control into the system.

Site Investigations

A mobile working solution using Web Forms will give the ability to send investigation sites electronically to the engineers for on-site data collection. The data will be managed within the current HIAMS Pavement Management System and on completion of the investigations, all data is transferred electronically back to the office system including any site photos.

The software is compatible with Laptop, Mobile Phone or Tablet devices and there is no need to install or maintain any software on the mobile unit and it comes with off-line mapping for use in areas with little or no connectivity.