Customer Services

The W.D.M. Limited Customer Services System module has been designed to control front line customer contact, e.g. call centre operations. The system allows an enquiry or complaint to be recorded and generates the required actions to ensure the enquiry receives a prompt response.

An integrated Security Manager ensures that users have the exact privileges required to fulfil their role in the process.

The system covers:

  • Recording of customer complaints and enquiries via phone, email or correspondence.
  • Generation of relevant actions, depending on the enquiry type.
  • User definable categories, enquiry types & responses.
  • Map or text based placement of faults, customer addresses etc.
  • Attachment of office documents/digital photographs/maps to any enquiry.
  • Definable response times for different enquiry types allow performance indicators to be generated.
  • Full Mapping tools built into software which supports RASTER/VECTOR map types, including MasterMap.
  • Full audit trail for each enquiry through the system.

Determining the location of faults can often be difficult from a customer’s description. CSS allows the user to precisely place a fault using maps, address information, or a combination of the two. The same tools can be used to quickly record the customer’s address information for return correspondence.

The system can be configured to automatically generate the relevant response to the enquiry or fault. This response can be via email or hard copy to a printer.

CSS can be fully integrated with WDM® RMS or LMS systems to automatically generate instructions from customer fault reports, allowing an accurate & prompt response to the enquiry. Once an enquiry has been recorded in the system and approved by the Client, the system sends the details to an ‘external reference’.

The exact format of the external reference can be changed, depending on the type of fault/enquiry and the required response time. If present, CSS can generate instructions for WDM® RMS & LMS.

A fault/enquiry can be emailed to the relevant department or person so that they can take action. The format that the email takes can be user defined, but can include a detailed description of the enquiry/fault. Maps showing fault locations can also be added to the email message.

Once the work is complete, the enquiry can be closed and correspondence to the customer generated.

The System has been designed with flexibility in mind. Enquiry types, fault types, output format and destination can be user defined. Response time for each type of fault or enquiry can be defined and the system can report any overdue enquiries.

Performance indicators can be generated for individual enquiry types, departments etc. to measure performance against required response time.

Web applications are provided as part of the CSS, facilitating ‘On line’ map based reporting of enquiries and satisfying many requirements of e-government. Upon completion of an enquiry, the user is supplied with a unique reference number, allowing them to monitor the enquiry’s progress. These web applications may be embedded within an authority's web site.

pOEMS is a web application designed to run on the client’s intranet. It is a tool used by the client’s staff to view enquiries assigned to them by the central call centre. pOEMS can record actions taken by staff e.g. site visit, or reassign enquiries to another member of staff and provides a tool to complete an enquiry.