All roads lead to Rome….and Milan! New SCRIM® Survey Vehicle for Italy

W.D.M. Limited has completed the manufacture of a new SCRIM® road survey vehicle for one of Italy’s largest road services companies.

The new SCRIM® is the second road survey vehicle that WDM® has built for Sineco Spa and was loaded on to a low-loader at WDM®’s Bristol works for the journey across to Milan. A team from Sineco travelled across to Bristol for training on the vehicle before it was shipped.

SINECO is a limited company engaged in control and maintenance engineering of large transport infrastructures. The company was established in 1987 by SINA – Società Iniziative Nazionali Autostradali – and is a subsidiary of ASTM group - Autostrade Torino Milano – a leader in asset management of transport facilities, controlling over 1500 km of the Italian national motorway network.

SINECO supply specialised sector consulting services and carries out tests on pavement surface deterioration, traction conditions, longitudinal/transverse regularity conditions and road carrying capacity.

WDM® is the only licensed manufacturer of SCRIM® worldwide and more than 30 of its machines are operating in 18 countries globally.

SCRIM is the registered trade mark of W.D.M. Limited

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