Engineers at the cutting edge

W.D.M. Limited combines more than four decades of experience in road condition assessment with cutting edge technology to enable road engineers to manage their highway and road assets in the most efficient and cost effective way.

More than 70 highway engineers from across Scotland and the North of England will be in Perth on 26 October to find out about the latest developments in the Company’s asset management software systems.

WDM® integrated infrastructure asset management systems link road and highway condition data with accidents, structures, customer services, inventory, routine road and pavement maintenance, works orders, street works and street lighting.

Applications use server-based technology to deploy modules using client and web browser interfaces.

The engineers are invited twice a year to a user group meeting to meet members of the WDM® computer support and survey teams and go through updates in operating systems and hear about new programmes.

If you are interested in attending, contact + 44 (0) 117 9567233

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